Live Sick Die ill Hoodie

$39.50 - $41.50
Live Sick Die ill Hoodie

Live Sick Die ill-Chronic Illness Warrior Hoodie with Sick Girl sleeve print.
We live everyday with a chronic illness that effects every part of our lives which sometimes can effect our emotional value of ourselves from loosing what we loved to do before we got too sick. "Live Sick Die ill" Is not the morbid statement you may think it is. Die ill to me in this design has the slang meaning live rad, awesome, your best self regardless of your illness. I created this to remind myself that even though I am sick, that's not all I am. I am so much more, an artist, a wife, a friend, a mother to my furry daughter. To remember to not loose out on how awesome I am and to not stop doing the things that make me happy. Always remember despite loosing things you loved prior to being sick, take it as an opportunity to find new passions and you may discover something you are even more passionate about and will bring so much more happiness and just add to how awesome YOU are. You are not your illness. You are rad.
My goal with Sick Girl is just to inspire anyone with a chronic illness.

This hoodie is a Unisex to athletic fit. I always attach a photo of size charts of each item in the pictures. Please check size chart before ordering.